
We recognise the importance of providing a website that is inclusive and available for all user groups.

This page explains:

·      our approach to making this website accessible;

·      the features provided to enhance the site’s accessibility;

·      what to do if you have any questions or feedback for us.


We believe that this website meets or exceeds the requirements of the level A criteria of the World Wide Web Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative (WCAG WAI) 2.0 guidelines.

Accessibility features:

Keyboard access - We have provided ‘skip to main content’ links to allow direct access past the navigation menu to the page’s main content.

Text size - You can vary the text size by using your browser’s text resize option: View – Text Size.

Alternative text for images - All images have been given appropriate alternative text.

Heading elements - HTML heading elements have been used to represent page structure, supporting assistive technologies that allow page navigation from heading to heading.

Link text - All hyperlinks should make sense when read out of context, and hyperlinks are clearly presented in a different text style from normal body text.

JavaScript independence - Where JavaScript or other scripts are used for navigation or functionality, an alternative mechanism has been put in place in case your browser does not support these scripts.

Colour contrast - We have checked text and background colour combinations to ensure that the contrast is sufficient, and we have also ensured that information is not referenced by colour alone.

Style sheets - We have used Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to control the presentation of pages and have used properly structured mark-up for content. If style sheets are not supported or are turned off, information on the site can still be accessed and read.

Questions and feedback:

If you have any difficulty in accessing any information on this website or if you have any feedback for us, we would like to hear from you. Please contact us: